July 26, 2022 - No Comments!

Dispute Resolution Clause Construction Contracts

Dispute Resolution Clause in Construction Contracts: Everything You Need to Know

The construction industry is a complex one, with numerous parties involved in a project, from owners to contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. With so many parties involved, disputes are bound to happen. An effective dispute resolution clause in a construction contract is crucial, as it provides a mechanism for resolving disputes without the need for time-consuming and costly litigation.

What is a Dispute Resolution Clause?

A dispute resolution clause is a provision in a construction contract that outlines the process for resolving disputes that may arise during the project. It sets out the procedures to be followed by the parties to try to settle the dispute before resorting to litigation.

Types of Dispute Resolution Clauses

There are several types of dispute resolution clauses that can be included in a construction contract.

1. Mediation: This is a voluntary process in which the parties meet with a neutral third party mediator to help them resolve the dispute. Mediation is non-binding, meaning that the parties can choose to accept or reject the mediator`s proposal.

2. Arbitration: This is a more formal process than mediation, in which the parties submit their dispute to one or more arbitrators to make a binding decision. Like mediation, arbitration is less formal than litigation, but the decision of the arbitrator(s) is final and binding.

3. Litigation: This is the traditional process of resolving disputes through the court system. Litigation is often time-consuming and expensive, and it can take years to resolve a dispute.

Benefits of a Dispute Resolution Clause

The inclusion of a dispute resolution clause in a construction contract has several advantages for the parties involved.

1. Avoids Litigation: A dispute resolution clause provides an alternative to litigation, which can be costly and time-consuming. It allows the parties to resolve their differences through a less formal process.

2. Saves Time and Money: Dispute resolution clauses can be more efficient than the court system, saving both time and money for the parties involved.

3. Preserves Business Relationships: Dispute resolution processes are often less adversarial than litigation, which can help preserve business relationships between the parties.

Key Elements of a Dispute Resolution Clause

A well-drafted dispute resolution clause should include several key elements, including:

1. The process for resolving disputes: This should detail the steps that the parties must take to try to resolve the dispute before litigation.

2. The type of dispute resolution to be used: The clause should specify the type of dispute resolution to be used, whether it is mediation, arbitration, or another process.

3. The role of the mediator or arbitrator: The clause should describe the role of the mediator or arbitrator in the process.

4. The timeframe for the resolution of the dispute: The clause should set out the timeframe within which the dispute must be resolved.


A dispute resolution clause in a construction contract is critical to avoiding costly and time-consuming litigation. It provides a mechanism for resolving disputes that may arise during the project in a less formal, more efficient way. When drafting a dispute resolution clause, it is essential to consider the type of dispute resolution to be used, the process for resolving disputes, the role of the mediator or arbitrator, and the timeframe for resolution. By including a well-drafted dispute resolution clause in a construction contract, parties can preserve their business relationships and avoid the risks and costs associated with litigation.

Published by: gianni57

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